Horse Hoof Crisps 馬腿 (No
Ammonia, )

Yeast Paste Preparation
100g Bread/High protein flour
150ml warm water
1/2 tbsp yeast
Add yeast into flour. Pour in warm water and mix well into a paste.
Then cover with a wet cloth for 1-2 hours till foamy to become
proved yeast paste.
Yeast paste is also used for recipes of
glutinous rice doughnuts,
five spice doughnut
Ingredient A:
600g plain flour
150g yeast paste
250g sugar
Ingredient B
300g water
¼ tsp alkaline water
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp baking powder
Flour paste ingredients
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp corn flour
3 tbsp sugar
¼ cup water
some sesame seeds
Mix thoroughly all ingredients except sesame seeds

1. Mix ingredients B. Mix well yeast paste and sugar of
ingredients A. Add in B and mix well.
2. Add in flour. mix well
3. Cover with a wet cloth for ½ hour. Add in a little flour. Turn
over to proof for another hour.
4. Sprinkle some flour on a table. Roll out dough into a rectangular
5. Brush one end with some water. Place another strip on top and
attached one end. Brush some flour paste and sprinkle sesame seeds
6. Cut into small strips. Brush some flour paste on both sides and
sprinkles sesame seeds.
7. Deep fry till golden brown.
8. Drain off excess oil.
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