Pak Tong Koh made easy (White Sugar Sponge)
2. Combine (B) together to form a dough. Remove a piece of dough the size of a fist from the main dough. Put it in a saucepan and add about 125ml water.. Cook over low flame until it turns gluey and starchy; keep stirring as it is being cooked. Leave aside to cool completely, then mix well with the main dough ingredients (B) to form a flour paste. ( Paste should be watery) 3. Put lukewarm water in a bowl; add sugar and sprinkle with instant yeast. leave aside for it to forth, then add this to the flour paste. Blend well and set aside for 1½ hours. 4. Combine sugar syrup with the flour paste and mix well. leave aside to rest for 10-15mins.
5. Pour into a
heated 22cm well greased square tray.