Chai Kuih / Choi Pan
An award winning recipe 2007,2008
Level of Difficulty - Very Difficult for Beginners especially
to the get the right wrapper skin texture.
250g rice flour
3 tbsp tapioca starch
300-400 ml boiling water
2 tbsp oil
Filling : (or as anything you like - Mang Kwang Gui choi or salted
500g Mangkwong (Vietnamese Manioc available from Asian grocery shop)
5-6 pcs Mushroom (chopped)
100g chicken flesh or minced meat
1 stalk Spring onion
1tbsp garlic (minced)
1tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp salt
Dash of pepper
Wrapper Skin (New method- This is the method I innovated
/ created and
am now using)*
Mix rice flour and tapioca starch together. Add hot boiling water, stir till a dough is formed.
Dough should not be too sticky. If sticking to the hands then too
much water, add more flour immediately..
Cover for about 10 minutes for dough to cool slightly and
cooked. Then add oil and knead quickly into a smooth dough.
*Old Method for making wrapper skin (some still use this
method and I find it more messy cos the flour will stick to
the pot if not careful and wasteful )
Mix rice flour, wheat starch and water into a pot. Keep on stirring
whilst cooking till it becomes a dough. Add in oil and knead to a
smooth dough. Cut into small dough weighting 50g each
Wrapping the dumplings:
1. Shape small dough into half circles.
2. Add 1 portion of filling into each wrapper. Fold from both sides
to form a pouch shape.
3. Steam for 15 minutes.
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